13th March 2025 - World Kidney Day

13th March 2025 - World Kidney Day

Care for your Kidney, Preserve your Life!

Humans have two bean-shaped kidneys, located in the lower back on either side of the spine. The Kidneys performs many functions such as blood filtering, production of renin, an enzyme that helps regulate blood pressure. The Kidneys also adjust blood pressure by controlling fluid balance, electrolyte levels, and blood vessel constriction.

The kidneys are also responsible for the removal of body wastes such as urea, creatinine and other toxins from the blood.

Maintaining healthy kidneys is crucial for a long and healthy life. Kidney transplantation is a common treatment for kidney diseases but it costs a fortune to get a kidney transplant with the challenge of getting a willing donor so the best solution for kidney health is proper care of the kidneys.

You can care for the kidneys by:

§  Drinking enough clean water which is crucial for kidney functions,

§  Maintaining a healthy balanced diet, low in sodium, processed food and excessive sugar. Take fruits, vegetables and lean protein for optimum kidney health,

§  Exercising regularly to reduce weight and control blood pressure which helps your kidneys.

§  Avoid smoking, excessive alcohol and narcotics which affects kidney health and

§  Treat any underlying kidney conditions

Your kidney health can determine how long you live and you only have two kidneys for a lifetime. Care for your kidney and live long.


Always Life!